
- Name: “By the Dutch”
- Product: Advocaat
- Type: Egg Liqueur
- Alc.: 20% ABV
- Size: 70cl & 75cl
- Production region: South Holland
- Country Origin: The Netherlands
- Bottled in Schiedam
- Closure: Screw Cap
- Ingredients: Barn egg, Alcohol, Sugar, Water, Vanilla extract (Madagascar), Rosemary (Morocco)
- Allergens: Egg
Advocaat is a traditional Dutch liqueur made from barn eggs, sugar, brandy and vanilla. This rich and creamy drink has a texture and flavor reminiscent of custard or eggnog. The original recipe in one of Hollands best kept secrets.
HOW IT’S MADE –> hand crafted
The production of the original Dutch Advocaat is a delicate craft that only a few specialists have truly mastered. The barn eggs are broken, separated, and blended with 14% alcohol for sanitization. The egg-white and egg-yolk are then blended with brandy, sugar, and vanilla according to the recipe. The mixture is rested until it reaches the intended viscosity. Each batch goes through a quality control analysis prior to bottling. Advocaat is versatile for a wide range of cocktails and desserts
The origins of the “advocaat” are unclear. Some say it’s derived from an alcoholic drink that Dutch colonists made from avocado. However, others, place advocaat origins more recent with the name coming from the Dutch word for “advocate” being originally considered a lawyer’s drink.
Some say the origin of “advocaat” lie with Dutch colonialists trying to imitate the creamy mixture of avocado (“advocaat”) pulp, cane sugar, and rum they had been offered in Brazil, substituting egg yolk for the exotic fruit. Dutch texts from the 17th century describe a yellow-colored drink popular with sailors of the period and made in the Dutch Antilles (Dutch Caribbean Islands) from an avocado flesh mixed with alcohol.
Others place Advocaat’s origins as the Dutch word for “lawyer.” As the name of the drink, it is short for advocatenborrel, or “lawyer’s drink,” where “borrel” is Dutch for a small alcoholic beverage consumed slowly during a social gathering. Named as a good lubricant for the throat, this drink is considered especially useful for a lawyer who must speak in public.